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The Little Town of Bethlehem |
Tuesday, 25 December 2007 @ 10:10 am SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 12,182
Last week, the scripture portion that was read and studied by observant Jews was the last section of Genesis (47:28-50:26), where Jacob is about to die and he makes Joseph swear that he would bury him in the Holy Land. He blesses Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh and then later, just before he dies, he blesses each of his sons, in each of their roles as a tribe.
Avoid the X'mas rush: Give thanks. |
Thursday, 22 November 2007 @ 10:29 pm SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 12,647
As pre-Christmas consumerism creeps up on us, let us not be swayed into it. Let us celebrate and hold on to Thanksgiving instead.
Church Kindergarten looking for teachers urgently |
Wednesday, 27 June 2007 @ 04:06 am SGT
Contributed by: Anonymous
Views:: 14,380
A Church Kindergarten located at Telok Blangah (near Vivocity) is urgently looking for Teachers with the necessary qualifications in Early Childhood Education.
Interested parties are to call 62788823 or email to Thanks & God bless!
Off the beaten path |
Wednesday, 05 April 2006 @ 07:07 pm SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 14,494
Here in the US we moved our clocks forward one hour earlier last weekend to change to summer daylight savings. I did that dutifully, adjusting my watch according to how my husband fixed the time on our little clock in our bathroom that morning.
Weapons of Mass Destruction |
Sunday, 05 March 2006 @ 11:15 pm SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 16,500
Technology has come such a long way since the 1990s. Armed with Ipod Videos, laptops, smart phones, blogs, it not only equip road warriors with the tools for their trade, it also arms our young with weapons of mass distraction, not to mention weapons of mass destruction. These mass-media communication tools draw our young to sorts of messages - good and bad. 
Does that mean we should confiscate all tools of communication from them? May be... But that would be the easy answer. The tougher answer really is one that we already know... that we need to get involved. For example. Have you read your child's blog recently? Do you even know her URL? Well, just for your information - the rest of the world is reading her blog. She might be exposing secrets that might harm you.. no, I am not suggesting her body - I am suggesting your financial, office, home information that might just crush you. Did that grab your attention yet?
December 26 tsunami across Asia |
Friday, 31 December 2004 @ 04:36 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 16,702
Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be interested in helping.....
Dear friends of Asia Harvest,
Like you, our hearts have been torn watching the images of death and suffering as a result of the December 26 tsunami across Asia. Almost all of the places worst struck are extremely unreached areas with few Christians. The official death toll is currently around 70,000 but with thousands of miles of coastline in countries like India and Myanmar (Burma) yet to be surveyed, we fear the real death toll could end up ten times higher than presently reported. As you will be aware, Asia Harvest has focused on presenting the needs of Asian unreached tribes and people groups to the Christian world for many years. Reports are starting to come in that some small people groups may have been completely wiped from the face of the earth in places like the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India). Other groups like the Mokkien (Sea Gypsies) of Thailand and Myanmar lived right in the path of the tsunami, and may have few survivors. As one of our co-workers e-mailed us today, "My heart just broke in a thousand pieces ... there are some entire tribes that have been wiped out in Burma and Thailand. My heart just broke when I heard this .. "LORD, will that tongue be represented in heaven to worship YOU ... "
Er… Merry Christmas! |
Monday, 27 December 2004 @ 12:15 am SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 16,667
Happy Holidays. Sigh. This is the politically correct greeting for the season. It’s not cool to mention the X word.
Thanks for the trouble, Lord |
Friday, 26 November 2004 @ 02:16 am SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 16,585
Sometimes, it seems, the worries of this world bear down too much on me. Some nights I cannot wait to crawl into bed and sleep, exhausted by the toil of the day and spiritually spent from concerns unsolved.
It is written... |
Saturday, 02 October 2004 @ 11:09 pm SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 17,651
In Hebrew, the marriage contract is called a "ketubah". This word ketubah means "that which is written." It is a contract from the groom to the bride-to-be, to honor, support, maintain her in truth, to provide food, clothing and necessities, and to live together with her as husband and wife.
Is your God who you think he is? |
Friday, 27 August 2004 @ 11:10 pm SGT
Contributed by: Yinghuo Chong
Views:: 17,554
If we even suspect that God exists, then logic tells us he must have certain characteristics and attributes that define him.
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